Sunday, March 28, 2010

If you need to, bring your cotton balls

We went to a funeral of a sweet Christian lady who was Glen's aunt. The preacher told about a conversation that had taken place between them where she had complained about the music in the services. She asked "Why do we have to have drums and guitars and loud music? All we need is a piano, an organ and hymnbooks." 
The preacher said he answered her with a question. "Do you have grandkids?" She said yes. He asked if she would be willing to listen to this music if it could reach children like her grandkids and get them in church. She answered immediately Yes, I would. Even if I have to bring cotton balls.
Later in the year she couldn't drive to church herself so she got Brian, her grandson to take her. He started staying for church and said he liked the music. He eventually became a Christian. Brian died in a motorcycle accident the year before she died.
 Maybe we all need to be willing to change to reach more for Christ.
"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise Him up at that last day." John 6:40

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